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Primary & Special Schools

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Primary & Special Schools


Now its seventh year in 2025 this much-loved campaign has been supported by £20m of TV advertising with over 1.7m different children taking part in over 5,000 primary and special schools. The evaluation data confirms that repeated involvement in the campaign leads to increased veg consumption over the long term and population scale improvement in veg consumption. 

We have thoroughly loved the whole experience. Our children have eaten SO many more vegetables, both at home and at school. Our lunch ladies have said they have never seen so many empty plates

Teacher, Brighton

This is one of the few healthy eating schemes that really engaged children. We had parents saying that their fussy eaters were actually eating vegetables!

Headteacher Hampshire

Most effective way we’ve tried so far at getting younger children to try and keep eating a range of vegetables

Headteacher, London

We’ve never had an experience like this in our school before, all our children and teachers loved it.

Senior Leadership Team, Lambeth

Great resources; excellent ad – really made an impression on the children -hard hitting and persuasive.

Assistant Head, Wales

It was amazing how children that would usually say they didn’t like a certain type of veg would try different things and discover that they actually liked them.

Senior Lunchtime Supervisor, Hampshire

Could not get better marketing and media for a campaign to encourage vegetable consumption. Resources are fantastic.

Regional Food in Schools Coordinator, Northern Ireland

Looking at doing more of this next year as children thoroughly enjoyed this,thank you . Please keep this initiative alive as it’s been a fun campaign!

Assistant Headteacher, South London

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