Why not kick-off the programme in your schools with an assembly?
Below you can download our assembly guide and PowerPoint both of which you can adapt to suit your plans. There is also a downloadable version of the TV advert.
Why not kick-off the programme in your schools with an assembly?
Below you can download our assembly guide and PowerPoint both of which you can adapt to suit your plans. There is also a downloadable version of the TV advert.
Assembly Guide
Our assembly this year is themed around exploring sense of touch and using descriptive words or can be used just to announce the start of Eat Them to Defeat Them.
Fire up the Powerpoint!
Download and adapt our PowerPoint presentation to suit your requirements. This PowerPoint includes an embedded rally cry video.
Big Chomp video
This is the 2024 themed rally cry video. This is embedded into the PowerPoint or you can watch or download it here.
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