Veg around the world – lesson plans
We hope you enjoy these curriculum-compliant and teacher-friendly lesson plans, adaptable across Reception/P1 to Year 4/P5, with the theme “Food from around the world”. These have been created by award-winning headteacher Dr Jason O’Rourke.
There is a PowerPoint presentation with each one and a supporting map wall chart you can fill in as you go.
This lesson teaches you about Central & South America: where they are, the countries that make up these regions and the people and cultures that live there.
Vegetable – Butternut Squash: Learn how cultures in the past grew different vegetables together that helped each other.

This lesson teaches you about the Caribbean: where it is and the islands and cultures that make up this colourful area.
Vegetable – Peas: Use exciting adjectives and similes to create new names for varieties of peas.

This lesson teaches you about East Asia: where it is and the countries and cultures that make up this exciting part of the world.
Vegetable – Cabbage: Explore the wonderful varieties of cabbage and describe how they are all so different.

This lesson teaches you about Italy: where it is and its peoples and culture over thousands of years from the Romans until today.
Vegetable – Courgettes: Use all your senses to discover the differences there are between all types of squash!

This lesson teaches you about The United States: where it is, its main cities, and cultures from Native Americans to the modern day.
Vegetable – Tomato: Can you come up with irresistible names for different vegetables that will make everyone want to eat them?

This lesson teaches you about the diverse cultures and peoples of these areas and how ancient trading routes became a melting pot for cultures.
Vegetable – Carrots: You think you knew what carrots tasted like? How about using these different ways of preparing them and compare the taste!

This lesson teaches you about Southeast Asia, and the countries and cultures that make up this vibrant area.
Vegetable – Cauliflower: Explore incredible patterns in nature to see how they are linked to the simple cauliflower.

This lesson teaches you about the countries that make up the UK, as well as British culture from Roman and medieval times to the present day.
Vegetable – Broccoli: Can you create a campaign to shout about how delicious broccoli is?

This lesson teaches you about West & Sub-Saharan Africa: where it is, and the diverse peoples and cultures that live here.
Vegetable – Pepper: Can you work out the colour of the peppers just by tasting them and not seeing them?

Travel around our beautiful planet to see how Veg are taking over the World.
Can you defeat them?
To support the lesson plans we have created this map of the world you can print out, stick up and fill in as you go.

Looking for more?
We have more resources for you to download including lesson plans, numeracy and literacy worksheets, arts and crafts, sensory education and growing projects.