2019-now: The story so far…
2019-now: The story so far…

2019-now: The Story So Far…
Coming into its seventh year in 2025 this much-loved campaign has been supported by £20m of TV advertising with over 1.7m different children taking part in over 5,000 primary and special schools. The evaluation data confirms that repeated involvement in the campaign leads to increased veg consumption over the long term and population scale improvement in veg consumption. With 29% of children eating less than one portion of vegetables per day, these results are an important step in improving children’s diets and the health of our nation.
Evaluation Reports
Our Awards
From boardroom to classroom, central government to local community groups, Eat Them to Defeat Them is a diverse alliance united by a common goal. Our success comes from the thousands of schools, teachers, caterers, public health professionals, chefs, campaigners and veg lovers who support us on social media and in schools and communities and to the millions of parents and kids tucking in to all those lovely veg. This is one big team effort, and together this team has been recognised with all these awards.

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