We have lesson plans, craft projects and much more to support schools.
For Welsh and bilingual resources for Welsh schools click here.
Prepare For Victory
Our easy-to-read Prepare for Victory flyer is designed for you to send to parents & carers so they know what is going on and get the most from the programme back home.

Eat Them to Defeat Them Video
This great one-minute video is a fun way to introduce children to the Eat Them to Defeat Them. Perfect for an assembly or the start of one of our classroom activities.

Asset Pack
Do you need design assets to create your own lesson plans, notices, t-shirts, posters , reports etc? Click here to access a folder packed full of images, fonts, colours, backgrounds and more.

Supporters' Badges
It’s the thousands of school caterers, teachers and community workers who make Eat Them to Defeat Them such a success. We are hugely grateful for the immense support so many have given to this campaign. If you would like to show off your support for Eat Them to Defeat Them, here are a selection of Supporter’s Badges for you to add to your website and use in social media.

Download and adapt our PowerPoint presentation to suit your requirements. This PowerPoint includes an embedded rally cry video.

Veg around the world – lesson plans
To support the campaign in class we have created a series of curriculum-compliant and teacher-friendly lesson plans, adaptable across Reception/P1 to Year 4/P5, with the theme “Exploring vegetables from around the world”.

Arts and craft are a great way to engage children with vegetables. Check out our facemasks, crown and cut-out-and-colour vegetables.

Vegetables are excellent for teaching numeracy and literacy. Check out these great worksheets from our friends at HC3S and Numicon from Oxford University Press.

Sensory education is an amazing way to teach children about using their senses to explore vegetables that can encourage many children to give them a taste! We have lesson plans and worksheets from our good friends at TastEd.

Looking to create your own Eat Them to Defeat Them slides? Here’s a handy template for you!

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