Prep time:
20 mins
Cook time:
40 mins
1 tbsp oil
1 red onion, diced
100g chicken (skinless, boneless thigh or breast), chopped into bite size pieces (or veggie alternative)
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp turmeric
1 red pepper, diced
1 courgette, diced
100g butternut squash (optional – frozen pre-chopped is fine)
1 400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 400g tin chopped tomatoes
50g peas (frozen is fine)
50g sweetcorn (frozen is fine)
For the couscous:
1 mug of couscous
1 1/2 mugs boiling water
30g butter or plant-based alternative, diced
Handful of chives or fresh parsley, chopped (optional)
Veg Portions / Serving:
The vegetables are taking over the deserts of North Africa and Arabia.
They have been spotted emerging from the great sand dunes of the desert and have now stormed the couscous.
Your mission is to find them, eat them to defeat them and raise loud the victory cry…
Find out more about the Eat Them to Defeat Them campaign at
Here’s our recommended recipe, or you can simply adapt your own recipe – just keep the veg chunky and serve with a reminder to the children to Eat Them to Defeat Them and get them to say “Bring it on veggies!”
Heat the oil in a large frying pan set over low-medium heat. Add the red onion and cook gently, stirring often until it starts to soften (usually about 5 mins).
Add the chicken and cook until it starts to colour and is cooked through, about 5 mins. (If using veggie alternative, check how long it will take to cook – most can be added with the veg later on as they cook in just a few mins).
Add the red pepper, courgette, butternut squash if using, and chickpeas. Continue to cook about 10 mins, until the vegetables begin to colour and soften, add the spices and cook for another minute, then finally add the chopped tomatoes, peas and sweetcorn (and veggie alternative, if using) and cook through for another 5-10 mins until everything is cooked and softened.
In a separate bowl, add the couscous and boiling water, then quickly cover with a lid, cling film or upturned plate. Allow to sit and steam for 5-10 mins, until the liquid is absorbed and the couscous is fluffy. Add the diced butter to the top of the couscous and stir through with a fork, fluffing the couscous as you go, then taste and add a little salt and pepper if you feel it needs it. Stir the couscous through the veg, or serve alongside the veg-packed tagine. Add the chopped herbs, if using, and serve immediately.